Sunday, October 14, 2012

Marylhurst University's First TV Commercial Shoot

Today, it was Marylhurst University's first tv commercial shoot. This commercial is produced by NXNW Production (from WA). (Yesterday, I went on campus to sign up for this commercial and met one of the producers named Matt.) Anyways, I showed about noon at the B.P. John's Administration building's lobby to meet up with everyone. I was put into place toward the back on the left side (on the right side from the camera's angle). We went up the stairs lip syncing to a line from a song created by one of the production staff. The music came from the Notre Dame fight song, I believe but it's in public domain so they got to use it. We did a lot of retakes, wait time, and repositioning. All the moving with so many people on the stairs and the bright light behind us, it was so hot. Good thing the windows were propped opened so while we waited, we had some cool breeze come our way.

I got to know some of the people around me. I met a couple Marylhurst students from other majors. However, there are a few people in the commercial is connected to the production team and their family and friends. Anyhow, the majority of the people in this 30 seconds commercial that are actual Marylhurst University students. After this experience, I kind of understand what's its like to be a Hollywood actor on camera and waiting between takes. It was so fun. After the shooting was done, we had lunch in the old library. I left after lunch. By the way, the next shot was at the old library. I can't wait to see the final product. Right now the team will be in post production and in about a few weeks, the commercial should be aired on tv. I will post a link of this commercial when it comes out.

I never done this before to be part of a commercial. One goal for my life is to do crazy or fun things. Once I was part of the youth event at Beaverton Nike campus back in high school. This event was shot and it ran on PBS. I watched it years ago and I thought I saw my legs and my umbrella when we went up the bus.

Stay tune for the first Marylhurst University commercial......

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