Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The First Year

I earned an A in my ESOL Methods class. I have straight As this term so that's so awesome.

Recently I saw this informative documentary movie called THE FIRST YEAR which follows 5 young teachers in their first year of teaching back in 2000-01 school year. It's older film but it's still important even today. Watch a neat Black male kindergarten teacher Maurice not giving up on one of his students who needed extra support to Genevieve who "wanted to teach the kids no one else wanted to teach" (at-risk 6th graders) to three others passionate teachers making sure their students' needs are met even when facing bureaucracy. Check this movie out!

There is an extra film shootage on the DVD that also mentioned Mr.Glass who taught special education (grade 3-5) who has high standards of his students and they are learning academic subjects; this portion this make it to the final film because it was probably hard to follow 6 teachers in 80 minutes with a good flow.

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