Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why am I going to Grad School?

That is an interesting question above. Why do I want to go back to school? I have my BA in Interdisciplinary Studies. I have been working in my fourth year at the same job. I like the job working with the kids after school. But I don't have benefits and I can't survive working for part-time. Since I was a teen, I desired to become a teacher. In my undergrad years, I wasn't able to graduate as a teacher. I wasn't ready. That hardship did taught me a few things. I could use that to help my students that failing isn't the end of the world. From failure, we can learn from it and move on to better things. Now I feel ready and confident.

Here is another question: why do I want to become a teacher? I love working with elementary aged kids. I like to teach and guide students to learn about the world around them as well as learning new skills or improving skills. I feel a burst of happiness when I see a child learning something new and able to demonstrate his or her mastery of it.

After 3 years, I have this new dream. I know I'll be a fine classroom teacher. But my real goal is to become an ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) teacher. I really like working with a student one-on-one or in small groups. I feel like I get to really know the student better. Before I could be an ESOL teacher, I need to get an initial teaching license to teach in Oregon. I can't get my ESOL endorsement without getting the initial teaching license. Plus I know ESOL teaching positions are limited here in Portland so being a classroom teacher will be good. I'm trying to be marketable. As a classroom teacher, I would gain experience working with diverse population of students. It'll help me become a better ESOL teacher when I get that job. In a way, I kind of think I was born to do this. More on this in later posts.

Someone told me that I can be a teacher but in a different area. Like what? These last 3 years, I have thought of what other career paths I could follow. At one point, I would settle being an Educational Assistant because you can still teach kids in one-on-one and small group settings without the hassle of getting licensed and pressure of test scores. There aren't really many EA jobs because of the economy and population of students in the schools and these positions are very competitive to get in if any of them are open. Don't get me wrong, EA's are the best at what they do and they really help out the classroom teachers. Being an EA is honorable.

But these last 3 years, I still have this desire to be a licensed teacher. After my grandpa past away over the summer and I getting over the early stages of grief, I was woken up in my somber. The fire of desire to become a teacher burned bright and urging me to fulfill that dream of mine. I know my Gong Gong wanted me to be happy and fulfill what God's purpose is for me. Looking back at my background and experiences of my life, something is directing me to become an educator. In later post, I will share some of my background and experiences that is leading me to the teaching field. If you still don't know why I want to become a teacher, you must see me in action or have a conversation with me on it.

I feel blessed that I have a couple friends behind me on this decision. I have a friend who wasn't as encouraging. No matter what, God is on my side. The Holy Spirit will give me the courage and encouragement in striving for this path as an educator. My lord Jesus Christ is always that encouraging friend, holding my hand and cheering me on to reach my dreams.

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