Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Last Adolescent Class: Alternative Teen Lit Guide

Last night I had my last adolescent class. We didn't finish until 9:30 pm (15 mins extra since class officially ended at 9:15 pm). Each of us presented our alternative teen lit guide. What are alternative literacies? It's defined as learning, processing and sharing information in non-traditional ways such as blogging, music sharing, movie making, digital storytelling, video/online gaming, art making, etc. Everyone did such a good job presenting their guides either with brochures, power point or webpages.

I was losing my voice so I had to present my guide in a softer voice than normal. It's this awful cold. I chose video and online games as my alternative lit. Please check it out here. You can print out the brochure that covers why video and online gaming does support literacy in adolescents here. (You have to hit the hyperlink 'here' of Learn about video and online games as alternative teen lit here for you to be able to download and print it out.) I received several comments and a few add-on comments. Abi shared with us about two video game related books called Ready Player One by Ernest Cline and Level Up by Gene Lwen Yan (latter is a graphic novel). I feel I did well. A couple of classmates positively praised my presentation.

I can't believe this class is over already. I have learned so much. I still have to work on my paper for revision to get a better grade (not happy with my score) and the matrix which is a guide on how I deal with adolescents in their crises. I will share more on that in another blog entry. My term doesn't end until I turn in my final three assignments to my instructors.

With my voice being weak, the plus side is that my kids from work is more patient with me as well as being helpful. They were on the best behavior. I only had a couple minor issues with a few kindergartners. Though, my first graders were just excellent. I had three first grade helpers who assisted in gathering the whole group to transition to the next activity and make announcements for me. I wonder if I can milk this laryngitis longer. My voice is still semi-out. If I do recover in a few days, I may want to pretend that I still have lost my voice until Spring break. Generally little kids are so helpful when they realized that you are in a need for help.

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