Monday, January 9, 2012

Language and Language Development Class

Tonight, it was my first class of my second term of grad school. The class is called Language and Language Development. My prof was so nice. She mentioned how this course with the reading essential course work together to help us learn about language and how find good strategies in teaching reading and writing. Before class tonight, we had some readings which she emailed us about last week. Earlier today before I headed off to work, I really finished an article for tonight's class. Tonight, we got to have small group and whole class discussions on the readings. I feel like we are reinforcing what we read and learned through discussion. We do learn new things by learning them in multiple ways. It's nice to connect what we read to our class time.

Here is the description of the class: Course includes an introduction to linguistic description. Theories of language acquisition and applications to the classroom will be integrated. Candidates will learn analysis of components of language and first and second language acquisition theories. Attitudes toward dialect variation, approaches to teaching language complexity, and implications for the teaching of reading, writing and spoken language will be explored.

Anyways, this term I will only have 3 courses: Language, Reading and Math. The reading course will be on Tuesday nights while the elementary math course will be on seven Saturday mornings throughout the term. I will still have field experience once a week for about 3 hours each. This term I will have more interaction with individual students and small groups. My field experience is at an elementary school in Oregon City. I also have three field experience seminars throughout this term for me to meet up with my elementary cohort and our adviser. This is so we can stay connected and learn from each other while our adviser share important information that we must know. I will have another busy term but I like it that way. I feel productive.

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