Saturday, May 7, 2011

Failed again on the CBEST writing section :'(

Yesterday I received my test scores. As I was opening the envelope, I was so nervous. I got to pass this time, I thought. My eyes looked for the new score and it's 33. What???!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I received that score 4 times already. I know that I am doing well on Essay #1. Last month, I spent a lot more time on Essay #2 since I struggled the last four times I took the exam. I worked so hard and I thought I could have an improved score on the second essay to get a passing total score for the writing section. I don't get the two scorers on my second essay. In the note section, it says that I need to work on usage as well as structure and conventions for essay #2. (To read about how the CBEST Writing is scored and the criteria, read my April 13th post.) I thought I improved in that area of Essay #2. I just needed 4 measly points to get me to pass the test. Anyways, after I saw my scores, I started to cry a little. I will not let this get me down. I will have to fight it another day. Though, I don't want to think about it right now. I will take a week off from it and let myself have a break.

At work yesterday, I was talking to a co-worker. Her husband is a college writing professor. She offered his tutoring services. I will take it. This time I need to know why I am struggling. I took two college writing classes, went to the writing center for my many essays and papers and had an advanced grammar class during my undergrad years. How much writing classes do I need to get me there? I also did a Learning Plus writing program through PSU. In those classes, I received B's. Maybe having a private tutor will help me figure out what is going on in my writing. I have definitely improved my writing since high school. For years growing up, I was behind in my writing level. In college, I received many A's and B's on my papers. I guess getting tested on one's writing skills in 4 hours is pretty stressful. Plus with the computer-based version of the exam, there is the extra precaution of cameras recording my every actions and sounds. The testing site has those cameras to check that no one is cheating. How can I cheat on the writing section? All personal electronics are banned from the test room. Each time you take the writing section of the CBEST, there will be two new essay questions.

Please continue to pray for me.


  1. OMG I feel the same way and got the same exact score. I don't know what to do... :( I will be taking it next Friday... I feel so frustrated.

  2. Hi, AnU. Sorry for not responding. I have been so busy especially I got accepted into the M.A.T. program and I am so busy with grad school. Did you past the CBEST yet? It took me six tries, most of those tries where on the writing section. You can pass. Keep trying. Keep practicing writing essays and have a good friend who is strong in writing to help you out. When I past the CBEST last summer, I had a little help. One of my co-workers's husband is a high school English teacher who also teaches college writing tutored me.

    For the CBEST writing, it's pretty formulaic. I hope you take the writing section by computer because it helps. You can just free write everything on a pad. Type all that info into the computer. Edit your work. Revise if needed. Focus at correcting one thing at a time. Reread to continue with another correction. I believe in you. If you're passionate in being in the education field, you need to be in it to better serve our young people. Please update me on how you are. Happy May Day!

  3. I feel that CBEST is a scam. To petition for a review, it's $50. I just took the example, got 69 on math 49 on reading, and I didn't even try on the exams. they gave me a 29 on writing. Since I can't legally discuss what was on the exam, but I wrote about a personal story. It's stupid. I don't think they grade it. I also have a feeling that they failed me based on my ethnicity, and having English as a second language.
    Pardon my language but Fuck Pearson. I hope they read this.

    1. I agree with you.English is my second languages. I moved to the United State six years ago. I have been a teacher in my country for 25 years. I did well in Math and reading. I cannot pass the writing. I have spent almost $ 1000 on tests.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just took CBEST. It is a scam. I wrote about feminism in my second essay and I got a low score. It was also a personal story. To me, it seems like you should not ask personal questions or else you will get personal answers. There is no reason people just be failing left and right. It is very expensive to take the test. At this point, I actually am wondering if the organization can be investigated because it makes absolutely no sense. My math scores were bad too and it makes no sense because I got A's in all my math classes in community college. (I did all calculus classes) They are definately extremely biased towards people of color.

    1. I just took it and failed it. Im starting to believe its true . a damn scam!! I had a 3.5 in college wtf

  5. I feel so frustrated, I took the exam already 5 times. I keep getting dinged for usage, and structure and conventions. On the last one i meet the min on the first essay however on the second essay did not. I don't know what else to do.
    Anyone had a good outcome if one petitions for review

  6. I just got my results. I passed the reading and math no problem but I got a 33 on the writing portion. I have one last try to pass the writing portion before my grad school application is due. I hope I pass this time. It's cutting it real close just a week and a half before my application is due is when I'll be taking the test again. Going into the exam I knew writing was going to be the most difficult section for me so I gave myself 2 hours on it and still couldn't pass. Hopefully I pass and get into graduate school. Honestly this is the only thing keeping me from grad school.

  7. I'm starting to believe that there is some bias in the grading of this exam. I scored 7o on reading, 61 on math, and 41 on writing. Writing is my strongest subject and I have been published before in famous peer-reviewed journals. On the writing portion, I disclosed my ethnicity in the personal essay. If I had failed that section, I would have sued this organization. I'm not being arrogant but I wrote two very powerful and coherent essays. Instead, I barely passed with no explanation as to why my score was so low.

  8. I took my CBEST writing last week. I just received my score of 23. The thing that I don’t like about this exam is that we don’t receive the physical feedback that can help us to make change on our next exam. I thought I did good, but it turned out to disappoint me badly. My previous score last year was 33. Now my score went down to 23 surprisedly. I don’t know what else I should do to pass this Writing part before I could start my second semester of teaching in August. I would appreciate if you guys have any recommendation to help me pass my CBEST writing.

    1. I took the test around the same time as you and only completed one essay but received a score of 22. Strange that we got the same score yet I only finished one essay. Standardized testing is some bs.

    2. In relation to your recent post, I did write 4 to 5 paragraphs. I don't remember exactly but I know the whole essay wasn't anywhere near academic writing.

  9. Before you begin writing, do you do a brief outline on the provided unerasable paper? Plan a paragraph paper with your intro, 3 supporting topics and conclusion. 500-600 words should be enough. For what it’s worth, I scored a 47 on the writing portion my first time.

    1. I always write outline before I begin writing the essay.
      After many times I compared the scores that I got from the CBEST Writing portion, I realized that 5- paragraph essay is necessary to pass the test. I need to have three good supporting ideas for the body paragraph. I also need to use precise words (academic words) if I want to get 33 or above.

  10. I am going to take the third time of my CBEST writing test. Bless us

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I did the Cbest writing portion 3 weeks ago. I spent 4 hours on the writing portion, because on my first attempt I focused on Math and Reading. No problems to pass both .
    This time I did my best on the writing, and I got a 29. My first essay was pretty good, coherent and with 5 paragraphs. The score was lower than the second one. I'm frustrated .I think they do not even read the essays. I'm working as a teacher in the US, and I think at least I should have received a 37.

  13. Hi everyone,
    Can anyone give me tips on how to tackle the CBEST writing portion. I been practicing my writing and even hired a tutor, but I still can't passed it. My score is always 29.

  14. I just received my score and did not study. I did take one practice reading and math CBEST. I scored a 46 reading, 53 math, and 39 writing. Thank God I passed; HOWEVER, I would think my writing score would be the highest of the three, but the biases are certainly present. I came to the conclusion that psychology plays a large role in how writing is scored...readers (scores in particular) subconsciously undervalue what they cannot relate to, even if it’s coherent and etc.

  15. My score is 26 for two consecutive attempts. I needs to work on usage, structure and conventions. Please guide me, how I can improve my essay writing skill.

  16. wow! CBEST has been scamming for a lot longer than I imagined. This post is more than a decade old but we have the same stories.
    My score was 29, with remarks stating that I could improve in the areas of 1) usage, 2) Structure and Convention. I was so shocked that I have been docked 51 points and their explanation was that "I could use better words and make less spelling errors".
    I decided to get the verification for $50 thinking for sure they made a mistake and would offer a better explanation, if not. In around 2 weeks, I get a reply saying, "your score has been confirmed." $50 just for that...
    CBEST is the Biggest SCAM ever.
