Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CBEST Writing Test is Tomorrow

As I mentioned previously, CBEST is a test on your reading, writing and math skills and it is used for entrance into an ed program. I'm so nervous. Tomorrow at 8 am, I am taking the computer-based testing on the writing section. I shouldn't be too nervous. I have been brushing up my grammar through the grammar books from the local library. Even I am practicing with an essay. I will share that another day.

I need only 37 points to pass the writing section. (Overall, the CBEST score to pass is 123. Currently I have 121.) The writing section consists of two essays. Writing scores are determined by scoring each of the two essays holistically according to the criteria described in the CBEST Writing Score Scale; the essays are scored based on six standards:
1. Rhetorical Force: The clarity with which the central idea or point of view is stated and maintained; the coherence of the discussion and the quality of the writer's reasoning.
2. Organization: the clarity of the writing and the logical sequence of the writer's ideas.
3. Support and Development: the relevance, depth, and specificity of supporting information.
4. Usage: the extent to which the writing shows care and precision in word choice.
5. Structure and Conventions: the extent to which the writing is free of errors in syntax, paragraph structure, sentence structure, and mechanics (e.g., spelling, punctuating, and capitalization).
6. Appropriateness: the extent to which the writer addresses the topic and uses language and style appropriate to the given audience and purpose.

Each section is the rating scale from 1 to 4. Each essay is evaluated independently by at least two readers using the four-point score scale; the total essay score is derived by combining the two individual scores. To obtain the Writing section score, scores for both essays are summed and converted to the score scale of 20 to 80.

Every time I did the writing section, I passed one essay but not the other. It is hard to write two good essays in four hours. Since this time, I'm doing the essays by typing; it will be better since I type faster than I handwrite. Currently, my writing section score is 33 points. I just need 4 more points to pass the minimum of passing the writing section.

Pray for me that I do not cave under the pressure and let my natural voice through clearly on the essays. Please pray for me this Thursday morning. Thank you.

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