Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Celebrating my Graduation and my Next Steps

Wow, it has been a very busy month. Last week I spent three days celebrating my in-pending graduation. Last Thursday (June 13), it was my hooding ceremony. It was a night for my colleagues and I to celebrate our masters (either in teaching or education). Here is a quick history on hooding. It was a more of an intimate setting. My second celebration was the Baccalaureate Mass where I got to participate by co-sharing the prayer. I had two dear friends named Lyla and Dorothy who were able to make it. It's a blessing to have good friends be there to celebrate one's achievement. I couldn't have done it alone without my support system and my God.

Finally, last Saturday (June 15) it was the commencement ceremony at the Oregon Convention Center. I was there early to get prepared with the other graduates. We were divided up by undergrads and grads as well as departments. Though, Master of Education shared a room with a few other graduate programs. We were blessed to have Bill, our dean of students in our room. He prepared us on what we all need to do. Around 10 am, all of us lined up and was ready to go into the Portland Ballroom. When we entered the ballroom, some of us had some paparazzi (really our family and friends) taking a lot of photos. The student speakers were all inspirational. Check one of them out here; there are other student speakers to view on the MU Youtube channel. Anyway,the Master of Education graduates were the last to cross the stage. I was the first one of us to cross. Somehow I ended up starting us. I was unofficially voted for that spot. In addition, I was standing closes to the card passer in our preparation room earlier. We had bagpipers to close the show. The faculty and the new graduates followed the bagpipers out of the ballroom. It was a bit chaotic. People trying to find their love ones and it was so crowded out in the hall. Many of us had cell phones to call or text family and friends. Actually two of my young cousins saw me and I followed them back to where my family was waiting.

My Next Steps

*First, I have one more term to go to officially graduate. What's neat is that I could celebrate my graduation earlier. Many people who still have summer term to go would do the current year's commencement. Who wants to wait a whole year? Basically I have one more class and my portfolio to put together. I also have to present my portfolio; it's more like a highlight of it and share what my next steps are.
*After completing my graduate work, I plan to spend a year of reflection and prayer. I really need time to debrief and figure out what I want to do next. I know my Master of Education (for alternative educators with no teaching license) degree is quite flexible. For example, I heard one former graduate who like working in the health field. This person use the degree to teach health lessons to patients or something like that. I believe this year of reflection and prayer, I will find what my passion is and apply for jobs that fit the bill.

Tonight, I attended an Alumni Success Panel at MU campus. It's an event hosted by the Career Services. There were five MU graduates who shared with the university community on how their MU degree and education has helped them in their current careers or applying/attending to other graduate programs at other universities. The topics covered was job hunting, networking, and the skills needed to land a job that fits you. I found it interesting. One of the panelist works in the education field. His name is Greg L. who graduated from MU with a BA in Communications back in 2011; he recently graduated from PSU's Master of Educational Leadership program. He has worked in the David Douglas S.D. for many years. Currently he is in the administration area. Previously he worked as an educational assistant and attendance department at David Douglas H.S. After the panel discussion, I was able to speak with him. I need to keep him in mind as one of my network contacts. After tonight, I realized I need to start a Linkin account. That is my goal in 2014. I want time to figure some things out before I start something new.